NYC Marathon, Detroit Marathon, & Moving Forward

I just ran 10 miles at Belle Isle in Detroit today. It is a short drive from my house and on the way back I know I can always stop at Yellow Light for a soyage w/egg on a biscuit and a donut on the way home (which I definitely did).

I’m currently training for the NYC Marathon taking place on November 3rd… in New York City, of course. I will also be running the Detroit Free Press Marathon this year… in Detroit, of course. However, this time, for the first time in four years, I will not be running the full marathon but instead will be doing the half marathon. I know full well, already, that I will be thinking about my dad the whole time. I am sure I will be crying in the coral as I line up and get ready to cross the starting line. Hell, I’m crying now just thinking of him. I miss him every day. I was running on Saturday and I had this thought flash through my mind that I would call my dad or visit him and just as quickly as the thought came the realization that he isn’t around to call or visit hit me. I kept on running and talked to him in spirit as I ran but I really wished I could Facetime him at the end of the run. I know he would be smiling and I know he would be proud. I know we would laugh together about something.

I’ll be running the Detroit Half in honor of my dad and will be running, once again, for #Team23 of The Kirk Gibson Foundation and will be raising money for the foundation as I run. You can donate HERE

I will be running the NYC Marathon on The Phoenix - Sober Active Community team and will be raising money for The Phoenix as I run. I have volunteered for The Phoenix for over four years now and they are a huge part of my sobriety. My goal is to raise at least $3,500 for The Phoenix. Donate Here! I will be posting more about The Phoenix here and on my social media accounts. The Phoenix is a national non-profit that provides free sober activities ranging from Crossfit, running clubs, yoga, sound healing, kickball, kayaking, climbing, and more as well as social activities. The only requirement to attend any Phoenix event is 48 hours of sobriety.

Our next move with the Run4Ben documentary is to film the narrative interview. This will be an interview with me that takes the audience through all four marathons from inception through my dad's passing.

Needless to say, the past months have been difficult and the documentary was not front of mind. The time with my dad while he was still here was the most important to me. I filmed some but mainly put phones and cameras down and spent time with my dad.

I’ll try to update more here as well as on social media now that I have some more time. My desire is always to keep you all updated. You have been so incredibly supportive through this whole process and I know we are all waiting for this story.