Back To The Circuits

Today is an absolutely beautiful day here in Los Angeles. So, instead of going to the gym, I went outside and did the Spartacus 2.0 workout with 25 pound dumbbells.

Circuit training can be a real son-of-a-bitch and today was no exception.

Spartacus 2.0

The best workout song for today was, "HIGHER" by Just Blaze & Bauer feat Jay Z. Great workout tune.

I'm looking for new music for my workout playlist. What are your favorites?

Some Of My Favorite Videos W/ Caitlin Norton

Currently working on updating my demo reel for 2017 and I am definitely going to be adding a clip from one of the videos I did with Caitlin Norton.

These are some of my favorite videos I have ever done. Caitlin is absolutely hilarious and super easy to work with. I could do a hundred more of these.

These were all improvised. Check them all out - WORST COUPLE: LEAKED THERAPY.

We released them under a different account as leaked videos. It was pretty fun reading comments where people thought they were real.

One Month Down...

This is the park where I run with my dog, Skeeter.

It has been a little over a month now since I began my #NinetyDayGoals. My progress so far has been all right. I have not done as much as I had hoped but I have been doing more than I was before setting these goals.

I have had to adjust my schedule to try to fit as much in as I would like to accomplish in a day. I have not gotten it down completely, yet. Last week I burned out at the end of the week. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself and focusing too much on what I wasn't getting done and not enough on the positive changes that I did make.

I'm excited for this next month. I plan to catch up on the things I didn't do this past month and I feel I have a better idea of how to schedule my days to be able to accomplish my many goals.

Thanks for following along and sharing your goals with me.

Starting Stats For Fitness Goals... How Have I Not Posted These Yet?!

Weight: 241 pounds - Body Fat: 27%

It's been a little over three weeks since I began my Ninety Day Goals. I realized today that I have not posted my starting stats for body fat, pull-ups, push-ups and plank. So, here they are...

  1. Body Fat % - Current: 27% (Goal: 15%)
  2. Push-Ups - Current: 10 (Goal: 50)
  3. Pull-Ups - Current: 0... I can just hang there (Goal: 25)
  4. Three Minute Plank - Current: 1:21 (Goal: 3 minutes)

Over the past three weeks I have been working out consistently and I am feeling a lot better. The pull-up goal is definitely going to be the toughest to hit. I am starting from nothing and I don't have a pull-up bar at home, yet, which means I have to go to the gym to train for those - If you have any suggestions for a great home pull-up bar, please pass it along!

Please share any goals that you are working after. It always helps to have some support!

(All right, now I have to work on some videos since I am behind on that goal...)



All Registered Up For The Ol' Terrain Race!

Goal 5: Register for two 10K races.

Yesterday I registered for Terrain Race - SoCal. This obstacle course race will take place on March 4th - which happens to be the weekend right before my 37th birthday (March 6). I will be doing the 10K run along with a few buddies. Our team is, "Little Lebowski Urban Achievers".

"and proud we are of all of them."

Being that this is an obstacle course race, it perfectly compliments my other ninety day fitness goals

I am happy to be doing this with a group. I can definitely use the motivation and the group of guys that I am currently signed up with is similar in that they like to push themselves.

Now it's time to get working out... even harder! 

Let me know if you are interested in registering and joining the team. We'd love to have you and we'd love to party with you after!

Why I Started My #NinetyDayGoals

Two years and just about four months ago, I moved from Michigan to Los Angeles with my girlfriend Britta Peele. We moved here to pursue acting and comedy. It has been exciting and has also been a struggle. Fortunately, I have a good job that pays the bills, a fantastic roommate, wonderful friends, my health and a beautiful woman who loves me.

For the past six months I have been spending time thinking about where I am now, in my life, and where would like to be. I have been talking with my dad and my brother, Kyle about our goals, desires, our struggles, new insights we have found and personal victories. I have read some seriously great books, lately that deal with the human conditions, motivation and God. I have been listening to a ton of Tim Ferris, whom I only recently came across thanks to my brother, who also just gifted me one of Tim's online classes (I'm sure there will be more about Tim Ferriss in future posts). All of these things have been giving me some direction and focus and best of all, they are helping to pull me out of some serious self doubt, living in the past and dealing with the shame of not focusing enough to be where I believe I should be at this point in my life.

Eating Healthy & Working Out Intensify!

On August 12 I posted about my goal to get into better shape and lose some stubborn weight that I have been carrying around for over two years. It has been going well since the original post. I have not been perfect with my eating and drinking but I have been consistent with my workouts and I have been eating much better.

Today I feel that I am ready to intensify my workouts and to eat even healthier. So, for the next five days I am going to be loading up on my vegetables and healthy proteins. I will be cutting out drinking all together and I will be cutting my carbs.

After the five days I will ease off a bit and introduce a few more proteins and carbs as well as introduce one cheat meal a week.

I am feeling so much better and am excited about getting healthier and fitting into some old clothes that have been collecting dust for a couple of years.

22 pushups for 22 days. Standing with the US Vets that are battling PTSD. We are with you!

My younger brother, Kyle posted about 22 Kill about 10 days ago on FB. I hadn't heard about this movement before. I read a bit about the mission and immediately decided that this is something I would like to do; 22 pushups for 22 days.

There is no possible way I can truly thank those who have given so much for our country. The sacrifice that the men and women of our armed forces have made can never be repaid by me. This is a small, short lived 22 days that ultimately will benefit me physically as much or more than it may raise some awareness to this issue.

However anything may end up in the grand scheme, I am glad to be able to spend some time each day, for 22 days, to take time to think about the men and women who make it possible for me to live in a land where I am able to freely move across this great country to pursue a dream. So many others in this world never have the freedom or the opportunity given to me and I am guilty of taking it for granted.

I am truly thankful to you veterans for all that you do; for the things I may understand and for all of those things I don't have to ever understand because you faced them for me.

Please visit WWW.Kill22.Com for more information on how to donate and get involved.

Working out at Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park

I have been in California now for two years. Since arriving, I have learned a lot and have had to make some big changes in the way I do things. California is expensive and it can be tough to keep focused on the reasons I moved out here when trying to pay bills and find a steady place to live. One area that has definitely suffered has been my overall health. I have not been eating as well and have not been working out consistently. This has lead to me reverting to a much more... husky guy (to use the term given to describe kids my size by jean companies in the 80s).

However, this ol' chubster here is going to have to make some changes quickly! On Wednesday I finalized plans to join the Lincoln Auto Show team this year. That means in a month I will need to be in a lot better shape unless I wanna be the fat dork at training surrounded by models. I mean, I could still be the funny fat guy, that has always worked for me but eventually I'm going to have to squeeze into some designer clothes and the fact is, they don't really make the designer clothes to wrap nicely around tire guts! Sometimes a good kick in the ass is needed to get moving. This job will work nicely for a well needed kick.

So, in the next month I am locking it down! The shit eating has got to go as well as the beer (until I get to Michigan and grab an Oberon... and Jet's pizza!). I will also be increasing the amount of workouts and the intensity. It has been a long time coming (as you can see by earlier posts on here about getting healthy again). I will be updating on here as often as I can... or I'll forget it all together, get distracted and show up to Michigan just as "husky" as I am now... let's see how it goes!

Dwayne Dryer Is Back!

Dwyane and daughter Dana have been off of the computer for almost a year now. In the next video we'll find out why Dwayne & Dana have been off. This year, Dwayne is branching out and reviewing some lower calorie options and will be visiting hot spots while on vacation.

Shot some new Dwayne Dryer: Ice Cream Reviews the other day. I am editing the videos together right now and plan to have the first one available by Wednesday, April 27.

To watch previous reviews and other videos I have done, go to my youtube channel and subscribe for the the new reviews.

Run To The Hills!

I just got back from a run up the hill in Burbank. It's 1.5 miles to the top and 1.5 miles back to my apartment. I love this run! I wasn't around a lot of hills back in Michigan - beautiful green winding roads (white in the Winter)? Yes. But hills? No. I love when I get to the top of this hill and look out over Burbank and The Valley. It is a great feeling to get up above everything and look down. It puts things in perspective. It can be very easy to get caught in a routine and for my world to become small. I go here, I go there and then I head back home. Maybe I get away for a trip once or twice a year. But when I get up high and look down, I realize that the things that I would really like to do, the places I would love to explore are all there and it is all possible. It takes work, just like it took work to get to the top of the hill but it is possible and it carries a great reward.

A Healthier July

Left: January. Right: March 16

Back in March I posted about eating healthier and working out ("Goal: Get In Shape... Again!"). I also took some pictures to help show progress... if any.

I'm happy to report that things have been going well. I have been exercising more regularly and eating a lot better (less bulk gummies and chocolates from Sprouts... health store but hard to get out without stopping at those damn barrels!). As you can see from the picture above, I am less of a sad, fat hoss, which is nice!

During the month of July the goals are going to ratchet up a bit and this month I'll have some help and accountability from my dad, Ben and my brothers, Paul and Kyle; For the month of July we have put together a shared, Google Drive spreadsheet where we have written out our goals and we are able to daily share what workouts we have done and how we have eaten. We also have some areas for comments so that we can talk to each other and give encouragement.

The month has really just started but things are going well and I'm looking forward to more!

I'll try to post some more pictures and updates throughout the month. Feel free to share any goals you may have. I, personally, find it helps for me to publicly state my goals - probably because my pride won't allow me to fail when I say something out loud. Don't care to have the pride but I'll try to put it to good use when I can...


My New Acting/Comedy Demo Reel

Just finished up getting a new edit done of my demo reel. No big roles to add to it, yet but I have some video clips I'm proud of and that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of.

Please take a couple minutes and give it a watch. If you're intrigued with what you see in the reel and would like to see the full versions of the clips, head to my YouTube channel, give it a watch and SUBSCRIBE for new videos - www.YouTube/

Thanks for stopping by. Subscribe to the blog if you'd like to stay updated on when I post new videos, stories and whatever else.

Dwayne: The Ice Cream Man - Butter Pecan Review

Dwayne: The Ice Cream Man reviews Dreyer's Butter Pecan Blast.

My name is Dwayne Dryer and I stand by my ice cream reviews. No one is paying me and I don't have any corporate interest. Just one Michigan guy telling you about my passion... ICE CREAM! I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream! (One of my favorite sayings). 

I just reviewed Butter Pecan Blast from Dreyer's and what a TREAT! I love Butter Pecan but a lot of younger people don't. That's just weird. Listen to this review and give it a try... you might just like it! 

Ok, well, stay tuned for the next one. I gave up ice cream for lent so I'm really excited about eating ice cream again. This has been nearly IMPOSSIBLE!