
Why I Started My #NinetyDayGoals

Two years and just about four months ago, I moved from Michigan to Los Angeles with my girlfriend Britta Peele. We moved here to pursue acting and comedy. It has been exciting and has also been a struggle. Fortunately, I have a good job that pays the bills, a fantastic roommate, wonderful friends, my health and a beautiful woman who loves me.

For the past six months I have been spending time thinking about where I am now, in my life, and where would like to be. I have been talking with my dad and my brother, Kyle about our goals, desires, our struggles, new insights we have found and personal victories. I have read some seriously great books, lately that deal with the human conditions, motivation and God. I have been listening to a ton of Tim Ferris, whom I only recently came across thanks to my brother, who also just gifted me one of Tim's online classes (I'm sure there will be more about Tim Ferriss in future posts). All of these things have been giving me some direction and focus and best of all, they are helping to pull me out of some serious self doubt, living in the past and dealing with the shame of not focusing enough to be where I believe I should be at this point in my life.