Bob Seger Shirt - Update

Well, a little while back I began my journey of trying to shed some lbs to get back into one of the greatest shirts of all-time, my Bob Seger - Against The Wind baseball tour T (I wasn't there for the original tour... but still, a bad ass shirt!). The journey has been moving along quite slowly as you can see from the picture below. But! I have a feeling things are starting to change. We'll see. 

Angeles Hike

My plan this weekend was to go camping and to some hiking. Unfortunately, I was unaware of the CA Parks policy of having to reserve my spot 48 hours in advance. I called around to some ranger stations but no one picked up at any of the stations. So, I gave up on the trip. 

However, on Sunday, I was able to get away from the city for a while with my fiancé, Britta. We just drove North and got lost in the hills - this is one of our favorite things to do with a weekend day. This time we found ourselves in the Angeles National Park. It was absolutely beautiful. We parked our car and did some hiking and cleared our heads.  

I would have loved to spend the entire weekend in the mountains and hills but even getting away for a day is refreshing.  

Today, I'm back in The Valley and back to work. three weeks I will be back to Angeles. But this time I'll be camping!

New Comedy Short for Some Assembly Required - Showing Aug. 24

The Timmons Family: Caitlin Norton, Curtis Schurer, Camille Schurer and Jamen Spitzer.

All wrapped up on shooting my new comedy short for Some Assembly Required. This video was based on the dare, "Food Spy". 

This is one of the more ridiculous videos I have put together and I am extremely excited for the viewing - August 24, 7:30 PM & 9:30 PM at the Whitefire Theater. 

This is the first time I have worked with kids in a production. I needed a boy and a girl to play brother and sister. I reached out to Caitlin and she recommended Camille & Curtis Schurer. Perfect! They were already brother and sister and they were both willing and available to do it. These two were perfect and hilarious! 

I have worked with Caitlin Norton before in a few improvised comedy bits we did for YouTube. I always love working with Caitlin. She's hilarious and it is always extremely easy for me to improvise with her. The first time we played a couple was for a training role play scenario when we worked for Gail & Rice representing Lincoln across the globe for the auto shows. We nailed being an awful couple and we're still getting to play awful couples. Good times. Thanks, Lincoln!

If you have watched, "What The Health" than this is your nightmare!

This is the first time I have worked with Tyler Stanley. He was fantastic behind the camera and was instrumental on working my idea into reality. 

I'm hoping to work with him more in the future. 

The Gong Show!

Slap! on The Gong Show - August 3rd, 2017

On August 3, 2017 at 10 PM, I appeared on The Gong Show with Ashley McGee and James Harrington in our mind blowingly awesome performance art trio, Slap! Many people commented that it was one of the most intense displays of passion they had ever seen. We truly put it all out there and blew people's minds... including the judges, May Rudolph, Megan Fox and Andy Samberg.

Check out the passion on display below

Watch this act, Slap, from The Gong Show. Celebrity Judges: Megan Fox Andy Samberg Maya Rudolph Watch more acts on The Gong Show Thursdays at 10|9c on ABC! 


The group, Slap! was created by Ashley McGee and originally appeared in his short film about the failed performance art trio, Slap! (Check it out here: Slap! - Short film by Ashley McGee).

Ashley, then submitted the group for the reboot of The Gong Show. Slap! was accepted but unfortunately, the actor who had played Harry Witsworth in the film was unavailable. Ashley went looking for someone to fill in. 

I heard that Ashley was looking for someone through a friend that I had done a comedy short with years previously (crazy how things work out). I watched the short film and I was in! I just had to send in my audition tape to see if I was the right fit; meaning, could I match the energy and intensity needed to melt faces through the power of Slap! 

Here is the audition tape I sent to Ashley. This was filmed entirely in my driveway, in the morning, in full view of my neighbors and anyone driving by. Hope you enjoy!

Quick note: you may want to put a towel around your face so that it doesn't melt completely off. 

The audition landed me the spot and the next stop was heading to Sony Studios in Culver City for one day of rehearsal, tech and blocking on The Gong Show stage and then taping the next day in front of a live studio audience. 

Heading into Sony Studios in Culver City to tape for The Gong Show with our troupe, Slap! As you can see, I'm an idiot.

This was one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life. I got to act like a complete fool on a huge stage in front of some comedy legends. 

Big thanks to Geoff McClellan, Ashley McGee and James Harrington. 

I hope you all enjoyed the show! 

Against The Wind - The Seger Shirt

What do you do when you can't really fit into your favorite shirt anymore because you've gained too much weight? You get off your ass and work extremely hard to get back into it and claim your rightful place as "Guy With The Badass Bob Seger Shirt!"

I understand that no one really needs to know about the fact that I am going to try to lose weight... again. Who really wants to see another shithead online talking about their fitness?! Answer: No one!  I don't even really want to write about this.

However, I recently read an article that says that people that post on social media about their fitness routines and weight loss may be more narcissistic than others. The article also states that the fitness poster derives a sense of worth and acceptance from the likes. It also states that the people "liking" the posts probably don't really mean it and they probably, actually hate the person doing the posting. If so, I hope to get a ton of likes and fake support that will help me on MY journey. Screw  your journey! 

If you don't understand now, you'll understand when I'm super healthy and sporting a badazz Seger shirt! 

The Dare Begins!

A little while back I was selected to take part in Some Assembly Required's Dare LA! Today, the writing time period for the dare began yesterday. 

My dare is: "Food Spy".

I have to write and produce a short film that will be played at one of the shows based on the dare, "Food Spy". I am extremely excited to get this going. I have been to many of these shows and I have a lot of respect for those who put it together and the film makers, actors, directors, crew, etc. that take part. 

I will try to update as much as possible through the process and I highly encourage you to get out to a show and take part if you are inclined. 

Check them out: 
YouTube: Some Assembly Required
Twitter: @SomeAssemblyLA

Catching Up

I feel like a lot of my posts or my personal journal entries begin with the line, "It's been a while since I have written." I was about to begin this post with the same... and now I guess I did in a way. 

I don't even know what I have updated on and what I have not. I'll make it quick:

I ended my 90 day goals and gave a talk at work that went over well. I didn't hit all of my goals but did a lot more than I would have if I had not set any. I'm looking forward to doing some more but may not be publishing them as much... or at all. We'll see. 

I did my stand-up at Flappers in Burbank for Uncle Clyde's Comedy Contest and I won the first round. I then went to the finals on Tuesday, June 7 and I did not win there but had a great set and had a bunch of friends come out and hang-out after! I'm looking forward to doing more stand-up and I have really enjoyed it. It is a completely new challenge and I have a lot of respect for the guys that won. They have put in their time and it shows. 

I've been doing a lot more comedy and writing lately. I have been improvising with my buddy, Mike Wilson at various venues around town; The Pack Theatre, iO West, Second City Hollywood, The Open Space Theater and a few more. It's nice to get out with Mike again and improvise. 

I submitted a script for Draft Night with Some Assembly Required, LA a little while back and was selected to do a short film for one of their shows. I am extremely excited for the opportunity. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the folks who run Some Assembly Required and for the quality of work that I have seen produced there by the folks involved. I will update on this project as it moves along. 

Lastly, I had a huge opportunity in May with the boys of Slap! I am not able to talk a whole lot about the project but I will definitely be updating as I am allowed. 

It has been a busy and fantastic last couple of months and I am looking forward to more. 

Wednesday, April 26 - Stand-up At Flappers In Burbank!

I auditioned for a stand-up spot at Flappers in Burbank a few weeks ago. It was my first time trying stand-up and it was a blast! After that the folks at Flappers invited me to take part in their Uncle Clyde's Comedy Contest on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 at 8 PM. Your votes will be counted so it would be great to see you all out there. 

We'll hang around Burbank, grab some drinks and some laughs after the show! Thanks for the consideration. Feel free to SHARE with anyone you think may want to see me rant like a Michigan Sir.

Stand-Up ☑️


I finally submitted my name for an open mic stand-up and hit the stage at Flappers in Burbank.

Quite honestly, I had been nervous as shit about it for a long time. I have done a lot of improv but I have never done stand-up. With improv comedy I always have people with me, helping me and am able to portray characters which allows me to hide a bit. It is never just me and a mic.  With stand-up that's what it is. It always felt like a lot of pressure but I was also really drawn to the freedom of being able to perform without having to schedule with others and interested to try something new which made me nervous and put me into a new fear situation. 

I entered my name and I did my set. 

It was, as most things that I build up in my mind, not as nerve racking as I thought it was going to be. I had a great time and I am really looking forward to doing some more comedy in the area.

I may have even booked a show at Flappers. If that is the case, I'll let you know and maybe I'll see you at the show.

It felt good to face a fear and try something new.

Another one of my Ninety Day Goals completed - 6.) Try stand-up ☑️

Headshots W/ Joe Funk Photography

On Sunday, Britta and I met with Joe Funk for some updated headshots.  Joe laid back and easy to work with. If you're looking for some fantastic new pics, get in touch with him and book your session! Highly recommended. And he just got some fancy new equipment which is so good, it almost made me look cool... Britta doesn't need any set-up to look good, ever.

I'll post some final edit headshots when we get them back and I will share some more links and information so that you can book your session with Joe before he fills up.

...These are not our headshots. Joe does much better work than I do.

New Bike!

A big part of my 90 day goals has been listening to the Tim Ferriss podcast. The podcast was part of the inspiration for setting some big goals and chasing after them. 

A little while back Tim Ferriss had Mr. Money Mustache on the podcast. It was a fantastic episode dealing with budgeting, saving, some investing and lifestyle. I got a lot out of it and I'm looking forward to exploring the Mr. Money Mustache site even more.  

One of the big takeaways was how Mr. Stache rode his bike around for most day-to-day chores and getting around. He talked about how it was good for his budget as well as overall happiness. This was the straw that finally broke the camel's back. I had to get a bike... again!


I called my buddy, John Hughes at Downtown Detroit Bike Shop and asked for some direction on a good bike on a limited budget. He pointed me to Austen at Pure Cycles in Burbank.

I met up with Austen and he squared me away on a Pure Fix Premium bike - The Kennedy


I've been riding my bike every day since I picked it up. I ride it to work now as well. It's about 14 miles round trip and I feel 100 times better at work and after work. The 30 minute ride is perfect for clearing my head. 


If you're up for riding let me know. It's always fun ripping around with other people especially when the destination is a good place to eat or grab a drink. 


if you're looking for a good bike from some good folks that won't break the bank, I suggest stopping by Pure Cycles in Burbank. If you're in Michigan, stop into Downtown Detroit Bike Shop & Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop. They will take care of you. 

See you out there! 

Registered For The Valencia Trail Race - 10K

I am registered for the Valencia Trail Race. This will be the second 10K race that I will be taking part in as part of my #NinetyDayGoals. This trail race looks beautiful and I'm excited to get out there.

Special thanks goes out to my buddy, Drew Bond who paid for the registration as a gift. We did our first race together back in the day at Lake Placid, NY for the Half Marathon. Looking forward to being able to get together again in the future and run another race.

12.2 Mile Hike

I now have a sweet tan line across my forehead thanks to this bad azz bandana... thumbs up!

I went for this hike on Wednesday, Feb. 22 with my buddy, Charles. It was the first time out for my brand spankin' new, rippin' ass Columbia hikin' boots! They were sweet! I couldn't believe the difference some grip made in cutting down some steep, sloppy hills.

New hikin' boots from Columbia are sweet! Made a huge difference.

About 6 miles into our hike we came to a clearing and stopped. On the left of the horizon we could see Downtown Los Angeles and on the right of the horizon we could see the Pacific Ocean.

One of my favorite things about hiking in LA is that it allows you to get up above everything. It gives you perspective. It is an interesting feeling to be on the top of a huge hill/mountain where it is as quiet as a whisper and no one is near. You look down and see the city, the highways and everyone buzzing around and there you are, out in nature, away from it all.

Growing up in a small town in Michigan made me appreciate being outside. I have two brothers and we were constantly outside; building forts, playing Army, tubing the Shiawassee, fishing and camping. Getting out into nature will always be the best way for me to find peace.

I love being in LA. There is an incredible amount to see, do and eat but nothing can ever beat getting away into nature. Even just for a few hours.

Halfway Point - Healthy Dose Of Reality

Just about halfway into my 90 day goals. Some goals are going well, others I have not been doing well with. 

A couple weeks into setting these goals I realized how difficult it was going to be to implement so many changes all at once. At times I have felt like I am doing well and other times I have failed miserably.

A week or so back I felt completely overwhelmed by the goals and working to attain them. I basically shut everything off for a few days and regrouped.

I have a tendency to be extremely tough on myself and if I slip even a bit, I get discouraged. I keep thinking of the Tim Ferriss quote from one of his podcasts... I believe it was on the slow carb diet. Anyway, the quote is, "Don't abandon the good plan that you will stick to for the perfect plan that you will quit." That is something that I need to implement myself. Right now.

I have been trying to go from zero (or close to that) to 100 mph. It just doesn't work like that. I have some trusted plans for eating and working out that I like and I know that I will stick to... or at least will have a better chance of sticking to it.

It is tough to deal with roadblocks and difficult to not do as well as I'd like to be doing. At this halfway point, I can get down and bummed about what I haven't done or I can get going on what I need to do.