Goal: Get In Shape... Again!

Left: Before (over 320 lbs). Middle: After (200 lbs). Right: AfterAfter (over 260 lbs)

It was 2007 and I had been struggling with a drinking problem for a couple of years. I was drinking far too much and I couldn't seem to stop. I became depressed and I just wasn't happy with the way my life was going. One night, when I was 3/4 of the way through a fifth of Bacardi, I just felt like I had come to the edge of a cliff; if I drank another night I was going over into complete alcoholism and hopelessness or I could quit and salvage my life. I called my friend, Aaron Brooks and admitted that I had a problem with alcohol and that I desperately wanted to quit. Aaron was understanding and he was there for me. He prayed with me that night and I quit drinking, completely. It was a great relief and began a difficult and very rewarding journey of not drinking and losing weight. 

I had been overweight since 6th grade. I graduated high school in 1998 weighing around 275 lbs. I continued to gain after high school all the way up to 2007 where I weighed in at over 320 pounds! But I felt like I was a thinner man trapped in a fat guy's body. To keep my mind off of drinking I figured I would head to the small gym at my apartment complex and do a little walking/jogging on the treadmill. My guess was, that getting ready, exercising, showering and eating would eat up a big chunk of my night and make it easier to keep my mind off of drinking. And, IT WORKED! I started off with just 20 minutes on the treadmill, but that eventually grew to more time. I, then,  added lifting weights three times a week and a year and a half later, I ran a half marathon with my friends in Lake Placid, NY. I began to eat healthier and the weight kept coming off. And I managed to keep it off for a little over six years. 

After not having a drink for six years, I decided that I was managing things fine and that I could balance a few drinks with friends. Nine months after that decision I was drinking far too much AGAIN and I had put 60 pounds back on. I wasn't very happy with myself for gaining the weight and for the main reason of that being a dependency on alcohol.

After a particularly bad day and night of drinking, I knew that I needed to make a change. With the help and encouragement of my girlfriend, I stopped drinking, again, at the end of December, 2014. 

Since then I have been working on getting back into shape and dropping the fat that I gained during my nine months of boozing it up and eating like a goat. Losing weight and getting into shape can be very difficult but I am setting small, attainable goals and being very realistic about my timelines. 

If you're dealing with problems due to your drinking, I encourage you to find someone you trust that you can talk to about it. It can be very tough having a problem that you can't deal with on your own and even more difficult admitting it and seeking help. However, the sooner you humble yourself and face reality, the sooner it can begin to get better.  

I'll continue to post updates on my goals and my progress to this blog. Please, follow along if you're interested or share with someone. 


The Worst Couple: Leaked Therapy Videos - Improvised w/ Cailtlin Norton

The Worst Couple: Leaked Therapy Videos

The very talented, Cailtlin Norton and I got together a while back to work on some improv for a live show. We enjoyed improvising as different couples. One day, to get out of our heads, we decided to record some improvised "Therapy Sessions". I had written down a few basic ideas and we just took it from there. After doing a few scenes we watched the videos and ended up really liking them just as they were. We made up a fake person and named her, Mallory Tuttle. Mallory is the disgruntled employee responsible for the "Leaked Therapy Sessions". We have received some funny comments online and we had a few videos banned from YouTube! All-in-all a very good time!

I hope you enjoy them. 

Subscribe to M.Tuttle on YouTube and follow for more!

Make sure to follow Caitlin Norton at www.CaitlinNorton.com

New Review from Dwayne Dryer: The Ice Cream Man - "Touchdown Sundae"

Dwayne: The Ice Cream Man reviews "Touchdown Sundae" from a new location. 

My name is Dwayne. I have always been the final word in ICE CREAM when it comes to my family & friends! I have tried just about every ice cream out there. You can trust me to give you the real deal about ice creams. All videos are shot and edited by me and my daughter Dana (she's the computer wiz extrordinaire!). I hope you enjoy!!

I will review more ice creams. Comment if you want to see a certain ice cream... even if it's weird... LIKE ME!!

Winter Run in Michigan

Picture taken during the run - Holly, MI.

I am in Michigan for the Detroit Auto Show. I came into town early and was able to spend some time with Family and Friends.

While staying at my folk's place in, Holly, I went on a cold Winter run down one of the many backroads in the area. When I run I typically listen to music but when running in this beautiful of  country, during the Winter, I choose not to listen. During the Winter in Michigan there is a quiet and stillness in the air. The only things to hear on the run are the winds blowing across the open fields, tree branches stripped of leaves rubbing together, the chatter of the few birds that stayed for the Winter, your own breath and the crunching of the snow as you run. 

I had always loved running in Michigan in the Winter but it's funny how moving away can give you a new appreciation for things that you thought you knew completely. 

If you get the chance go for a Winter run in Michigan down a trail or dirt road. As long as you dress properly the cold won't bother you and the scenery and stillness can't be beat. 

It's good to be home. 

Another picture from the run in Holly, MI.