The Worst Couple: Leaked Therapy Videos - Improvised w/ Cailtlin Norton

The Worst Couple: Leaked Therapy Videos

The very talented, Cailtlin Norton and I got together a while back to work on some improv for a live show. We enjoyed improvising as different couples. One day, to get out of our heads, we decided to record some improvised "Therapy Sessions". I had written down a few basic ideas and we just took it from there. After doing a few scenes we watched the videos and ended up really liking them just as they were. We made up a fake person and named her, Mallory Tuttle. Mallory is the disgruntled employee responsible for the "Leaked Therapy Sessions". We have received some funny comments online and we had a few videos banned from YouTube! All-in-all a very good time!

I hope you enjoy them. 

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