The Runner’s World Run Streak is a challenge posted by Runner’s World. You run at least one mile a day for 38 days from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day. I am currently on day 12 of the run streak.
Michelle Newman from Kirk Gibson Foundation sent me this challenge before Thanksgiving. She said she was going to do it and asked me if I was in. I told her that I would join her in the streak. I really didn’t think too much about it. I had been done with the Marathon for a month and was following my own workout plan, hitting more weights and bodyweight workout while also running a couple/few times a week. However, I’m always down for a challenge with a set amount of time and distance and always happy to join someone else. I like the accountability and the fact that I don’t really need to think about anything. The plan is already laid out for me. I just simply have to run at least a mile for 38 days.
I will be looking to keep my minimum at 2 miles while also adding in some longer runs. So far it’s been great. I haven’t wanted to run every day, that’s for sure but that’s what I like about challenges and training plans. The fact is, I never have felt like running every day or working out. Many days I just don’t want to bother with it. I’ll be sitting inside warm and comfortable and I don’t want to get up, put my workout gear on, put my shoes on and head out the door but I do and I’m always happy when I get back after the run.
It’s been fun having someone else that is doing the challenge as well. Michelle and I have been sending the RWStreak calendar back-and-forth after finishing our daily runs and tagging each other on social media.
In fact, after updating this, I am heading out for day 12 of the challenge! Let me know if you are taking part in the RW Run Streak. I’d love to see your progress and to have some more friends to update and encourage.
If you never started, it’s not too late, just join up now and get 27 days in!
See you out there!