Anticipating the Headwind Almost Made Me Miss Out On Enjoying the Tailwind

Jamen shares some thoughts on waiting for the other shoe to drop while running at Belle Isle in Detroit, MI.

Runner's World Run Streak 2021

The Runner’s World Run Streak is a challenge posted by Runner’s World. You run at least one mile a day for 38 days from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day. I am currently on day 12 of the run streak.

Michelle Newman from Kirk Gibson Foundation sent me this challenge before Thanksgiving. She said she was going to do it and asked me if I was in. I told her that I would join her in the streak. I really didn’t think too much about it. I had been done with the Marathon for a month and was following my own workout plan, hitting more weights and bodyweight workout while also running a couple/few times a week. However, I’m always down for a challenge with a set amount of time and distance and always happy to join someone else. I like the accountability and the fact that I don’t really need to think about anything. The plan is already laid out for me. I just simply have to run at least a mile for 38 days.

I will be looking to keep my minimum at 2 miles while also adding in some longer runs. So far it’s been great. I haven’t wanted to run every day, that’s for sure but that’s what I like about challenges and training plans. The fact is, I never have felt like running every day or working out. Many days I just don’t want to bother with it. I’ll be sitting inside warm and comfortable and I don’t want to get up, put my workout gear on, put my shoes on and head out the door but I do and I’m always happy when I get back after the run.

It’s been fun having someone else that is doing the challenge as well. Michelle and I have been sending the RWStreak calendar back-and-forth after finishing our daily runs and tagging each other on social media.

In fact, after updating this, I am heading out for day 12 of the challenge! Let me know if you are taking part in the RW Run Streak. I’d love to see your progress and to have some more friends to update and encourage.

If you never started, it’s not too late, just join up now and get 27 days in!

See you out there!

Getting Humbled... It's A Good Thing?

I am getting back into the gym and it’s been humbling. After a couple years of mainly running I’ve lost a lot of the muscle I had.

After going to a workout with The Phoenix - Detroit and hitting the gym I got a dose of reality as to where I’m at. It’s humbling and I was thinking that it’s good to accept that vulnerability and just live in it. It’s where I am right now. I can’t change that tomorrow but, if I keep going, and keep working on it, I’ll get better. I’ve accepted where I’m at and I’m excited to move forward!

Get humbled. It’s healthy.

Quick Video Update On the (COLD) Morning Walk

I have been busy but wanted to give you all a quick update as to where we’re at with the documentary. We’re extremely excited to get all the video we have together and move this story forward.

Please take a minute and follow us on our social media channels. We’ll be most active on Facebook and Instagram.

The Coffee Meditation... It's A Start

Meditate until I hear the beep.

This may be possible.

I have not been very consistent with meditation but it has been something I have been wanting to do more often. Every time I take time to do it, I think, “Wow! That was great. I should do that every day.” …And then I don’t do it again for a year.

I was of the belief that if I sat down to meditate and had every single thought I’ve ever had racing through my head at that time that I was doing it wrong. And that’s pretty much what happens. When I sit down to meditate my mind decides that is the perfect time to race through everything I should have done. Everything I haven’t done. Every random thought I could possibly have. Pretty much everything but a still quiet mind focused on breath. I didn’t really enjoy sitting down to do something healthy for myself and then feeling like a complete failure. Not really the peaceful start to the day I had hoped I would get from meditation.

I did some reading and talked to some people who practiced meditation often and found that at the beginning, everyone has random thoughts racing through their head that they can’t control and that everyone has problems focusing on their damn breath when they get started. Okay, so I wasn’t “bad” at meditating. It seems everyone had these struggles. I was told my mind will wander and that’s okay, when I catch my thoughts wandering just simply bring my focus back to my breath - My mind wanders a lot!

It turns out, if I don’t beat myself up for being “bad” at meditating it makes meditating a lot easier.

I am now working to bring morning meditation back into my daily routine. I’m doing what I’m calling my “Coffee Meditation” this is where I wake up, start the coffee brewing and then take that coffee brewing time as my meditation time. It’s probably all of seven to eight minutes before the machine beeps. It isn’t a lot but it’s a start. My usual process is to want to start something and then go whole hog into it! “Oh, I want to meditate more, great! Okay, tomorrow I buy baggy pants like I see those guys wear, I buy a fancy pillow, I fold my legs up in ways they don’t fold and then mediate for no less than a half hour and I better find Nirvana!” …That’s the usual process for starting something new. However, I think coffee meditation to start is more realistic and doable.

Maybe in about a week if I keep at it, I’ll buy the baggy pants, shave my head and start folding my legs but for now it’s seven to eight minutes of bringing myself back to center over and over until I hear the machine beep.

I Completed the 2021 Detroit Free Press Marathon!

Heading South on Griswold to Congress - Using the Insta360 One X2

Welp, there is another marathon in the books! I just completed all 26.2 miles of the 2021 Detroit Free Press Marathon on Sunday, October 17th!

It was awesome to run this race in-person. Last year, as many of you know, the Detroit Marathon was held virtually which meant I ran the marathon on a course I mapped out in Los Angeles. I ran down the Pacific Coast which was beautiful but, other than my film crew, I was alone. This year I ran the streets of Detroit and there were supporters, volunteers, DJs, live bands and fellow runners all along the course. The energy was fantastic! I truly wasn’t aware of how much having so many other people around would affect me. I found myself welling up w/emotion so many times along the route. I was wearing my Run4Ben shirt and people would cheer me on yelling, “Run for Ben!” as I passed by. To see people smiling and dancing and holding signs was amazing!

The hat I am wearing is the “YOPD” hat (Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease by Keri Shaw. You can order them directly from her HERE.

With me this year was the Run4Ben film crew documenting the entire marathon as I ran. The crew consisted of Director, Mike Piccorillo, DP, Craig Gorkiewicz & DP, Shawn Neal. They cruised the route on electric bikes that we rented from RiDetroit. It was great watching them cruise by while holding cameras alongside me or flying by to get set up for the next shot. They also gave me a ton of encouragement along the way especially when things were getting really tough for me at the end. They caught me running, walking, tearing up crying, puking, and caught a very special moment with my family. I can’t say enough good about the crew. They’re just the best guys I could’ve hoped for to go along with me on this crazy adventure.

Of course a huge thanks to to the Kirk Gibson Foundation for Parkinson’s, Michelle Newman and all the members of Team 23. I was able to meet with the entire team prior to the race in our pre-race tent just down the street from the starting line. I was extremely excited to run into Bill Bucklew and to spend some time with him before the run and after. Bill was running the Detroit Marathon after recently finishing a 670 mile walk across Great Britain to then run the London Marathon. After that he ran the Chicago Marathon and then hit Detroit! What an absolute honor to meet such a great guy!

(See more about Bill by visiting

Me and dad after I finished the marathon! #Run4Ben!

I could write a ton more about this run and I’m sure there are more people to thank and more to update but that’s what a blog is for. I’ll definitely be posting more. Enjoy the pictures, click the links and lookout for more to come!

I love you all!


Another Marathon & Another Year of Dodgers in October!

Wednesday night I was up late working on the documentary and watching the Dodgers and Cardinals in the NLDS Wild Card game. Wow! What an ending!

It made me think of the night after the 2020 Detroit Free Press Marathon. The Dodgers were in the playoffs again. A couple buddies and I watched the Dodgers take on the Braves in game 7. I was tired as hell but had plenty of snacks and the appetite to enjoy them. That was a great night!

It’s exciting to be running again and cheering on the Dodgers again! LET’S GO DODGERS!

Sunday, Oct. 18th - The night after the marathon we watched the Dodgers take on the Braves.

Who Is That On the Logo?!


The logo is a picture of Ben Spitzer running. The original picture was taken by Jamen Spitzer as he and his dad went out for a run in Holly, Michigan during the early years of Ben’s Parkinson’s diagnosis. Jamen was back in town visiting from Los Angeles, CA. He and Ben went for a run down the dirt road by Ben & Leah’s house.

The Director of Run4Ben, Mike Piccorillo, took the original picture (below) and turned it into the logo you see above.

Ben Spitzer in Holly, MI. - Picture taken by his son, Jamen Spitzer.

Ben Spitzer in Holly, MI. - Picture taken by his son, Jamen Spitzer.

Goal = Losing 10 Pounds Before the 2021 Marathon!



Losing 10 lbs before the 2021 Detroit Free Press Marathon

I’ve been running a lot over the last year. I ran my first ever marathon in 2020 and then ran another unsanctioned marathon in December of the same year as a part of the “Miles for Meaning - Captains Challenge” put on by Kilter. I’ve been training for 14 weeks now for the 2021 Detroit Free Press Marathon.

One thing I haven’t been doing well is eating healthy. I’ve been racking up the miles and using it as an excuse to eat whatever I want… Mainly ice cream and pizza. My weight has stayed about the same over the year but I really wanted to use this time to actually be healthier and lose some weight - My goal weight is 195 lbs. Not only would I feel better but it certainly would be easier on the long miles to not be lugging around as much weight.

So, for this last month, I am making an effort to not only exercise but to eat healthy as well. My goal is to lose about 10 pounds in the month prior to the marathon. I want to do this in a healthy manner. I’ll be tracking my calories and eating as much as needed. One thing you don’t wanna do when running long distances is eat too little. It can lead to a serious crash and I have been there before - It doesn’t feel good.

I’ll post weekly weight updates - Once a week is the most I’ll ever weigh myself. I think focusing too much on the scale is not a great thing… I could go into that more but that’s not what this post is about.

I hope you’re out there getting after some killer goals. Please share with me what you’re doing. I always love encouragement and connection!

Getting My Ass Out The Door!


10 Weeks Left!

The toughest part is getting out the door

I’m on week nine of my training plan for the in-person Detroit Free Press Marathon. It takes place in Detroit, Sunday, October 17th. I’m using the Hal Higdon, Novice 2 training plan this year. I have the whole plan in excel where I upload my miles, pace and have a place for comments for each run day. I run four days a week with a long run on Saturdays or Sundays, typically Sundays.

Most days I do not want to go out for a run. That’s the truth. The night before, I am gung-ho! I think about the next day, about waking up and putting on the gear and heading out early in the morning before work and just kicking ass! Then I wake up at 5 AM and have my coffee, drink some water, read a bit and write in my journal. I look at the time and watch the window to get this run done before work get smaller. “Ugh! I’m so comfortable here just thinking about life. Why do I have to go live it! It’s so much better just imagining how awesome it all will be!”

Haha! I’m actually writing this as I procrastinate! This is part of my, “Well, I do NEED to get this blog going. I better just go ahead and do it now - Looks at the clock on the computer, 6:16 AM - Okay, I’m running four miles today… that’s about 40 minutes for me. I gotta work at 8 AM. I gotta eat breakfast and I gotta shower before getting to work. So, if I leave by 6:30 AM that means I get back to the house around 7:10 AM, take my shower, get to work. Yes, I think that will work! …But I’m still typing and haven’t gone to the bathroom or put my running clothes on… So, let’s make that time 6:45 AM… which means I’ll get back by around 7:25 AM. Yes! I can still pull it off! Okay… I guess I gotta get going… but I gotta upload a picture for this blog post, right?! GET GOING!”

And, I’m off for another training run.